Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A little aboout ME!!!!

My name is Alicia Brookshire... I am a sophomore. I am from Dayton, Ohio and i graduated from Trotwood High... I've lived in Trotwood nearly all my life. My father is in the military so as a child I traveled and live in many different places. Unfortunately I dont remember a lot from those years... As soon as i walked onto campus, I fell in love... I applied for many different schools but when i walked onto WKU's campus I knew that I wanted to be a hilltopper... I didnt receive very many scholarships but somehow I managed to pay for school... although my second year I received a lot more... I made the Dean's list my freshman year and I was more than proud... I always thought that highschool was just easy and maybe thats why I did so well, but continuing that success in College was an eye opener for me... that... well... I actually was smart!! I am the first person in my family to go to College, so i really feel like there is a great deal of pressure on me, to succeed... But I plan on doing my best and being successful...
I am currently a Biology and Mathematics major with a concentration in pre pharmacy... I am really excited to see what my future will bring!!!

Although I took this class for a gen. ed. credit, I really plan to take a lot from this class... I already feel like I have learned so much... although I knew men and women were treated different but I've learned that it was a lot more than what I thought... I strongly believe that women and men should be treated equal... I will never take anything for granted, because women back then dont have half the advantages that I have today... and that makes me feel empowered as a woman that I have a chance to be what I want to be when not all women had that chance...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you - I knew you were very smart when you walked into my class :-)
