Monday, September 28, 2009

I went skating with some friends the other night, it was pretty fun until the young kids starting acting out... These young boys, no older than 11, were kicking cussing, and humping young girl that were around the same age. At one pont they had a oung girl on the ground kicking, htting and calling her a slut, as she just rolled around laughing at the fact that she was being abused. There were no chaperones there, it was just kids running around clearly out past their bed times... They did not leave the skating rink until 1am... The whole time I was there, I kept thinking to myself, about how my mother would not allow me out past that late without her there, nor would I be running around doing things that were considered "adult like". Like cussing, listening to uneditted music, dancing slutty and so forth.
I cant fathom the thought of any of my children doing some of the things these children were doing.
This made me think about the type of environment these kids grew up in and the kinds of things they were exposed to, to early on in life. It greatly reflects the type of influence the media, and society has on young children today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A little aboout ME!!!!

My name is Alicia Brookshire... I am a sophomore. I am from Dayton, Ohio and i graduated from Trotwood High... I've lived in Trotwood nearly all my life. My father is in the military so as a child I traveled and live in many different places. Unfortunately I dont remember a lot from those years... As soon as i walked onto campus, I fell in love... I applied for many different schools but when i walked onto WKU's campus I knew that I wanted to be a hilltopper... I didnt receive very many scholarships but somehow I managed to pay for school... although my second year I received a lot more... I made the Dean's list my freshman year and I was more than proud... I always thought that highschool was just easy and maybe thats why I did so well, but continuing that success in College was an eye opener for me... that... well... I actually was smart!! I am the first person in my family to go to College, so i really feel like there is a great deal of pressure on me, to succeed... But I plan on doing my best and being successful...
I am currently a Biology and Mathematics major with a concentration in pre pharmacy... I am really excited to see what my future will bring!!!

Although I took this class for a gen. ed. credit, I really plan to take a lot from this class... I already feel like I have learned so much... although I knew men and women were treated different but I've learned that it was a lot more than what I thought... I strongly believe that women and men should be treated equal... I will never take anything for granted, because women back then dont have half the advantages that I have today... and that makes me feel empowered as a woman that I have a chance to be what I want to be when not all women had that chance...