Monday, October 19, 2009

violence, and unhealthy relationships

Why is it that everything we talk about something in class, it comes up later in my life. On thursday we radomly talked about restraining orders, and stalkers etc. Then on friday there was a problem with a stalker, involving the police and everything. I was honestly creeped out and bothered by some of the things that happened. Then there was discussion or informational "talk" about restraining orders and how to get them enforced and at what point you need to get one. ALthough the situation was creepy and uncomfortable, I was extremely impressed how the police, or UPD, handled the situation! I feel protected, and I feel like they are actually here keeping us safe!!
Then later on into the weekend, there was another incident that happened, concerning violence and unhealthy relationships on campus. The violence and unhealthy relationships have gotten out of control. And like in our reading, its so sad to see females who remain in a realtionship not thinking thats its unhealthy or harmful to them. You want to help people but your help and advice can only go so far.
Then one of the bulletin boards in our dorm is all about unhealthy relationships, and questions to ask yourself that will help you define your own relationship and categorize it and its effect on your life. Theres also tips on how to get ou of harmful relationships.
I have always wondered, why is it that people cant see or understand when something or someone is negatively effecting their lives? Is almost as if they dont know right from wrong...

Just a random thought. relationships are so difficult for many reasons, one reason I think its difficult is because theres no class that helps you to understand men, nor how to be in a relationship, let alone a healthy one. So if no one guides you, because everyone at some points needs guidance, then your unsure as to what is supposed to go on.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Body Image

Everyone has different body images. Some people are tall, skinny, fat, and short. Some people have insecurities about what they look. The media has its own vision of what beautiful is, and its not what an average person would resemble. Because people in the media do not look like average women... it makes me feel really insecure about my body. Although i kno that the people in the media are not what an average woman would look like, it still makes me feel insecure. I think that the image in the media should slightly change because of some of the harmful effects it has on young people. many people are outcasted because of the way they look. Many people go through serious surgeries to get the body that will be accepted by most people, and some people meven go so far as to starve themselves or deprive themselves of food in order to have the "image".
Why do people care so much about what they look like? Why do people try to make themselves look a certain way in order to accepted into a certain group? Why does every little aspect of your looks matter so much to so many people??? These are just things that i never understood... questions that no one could ever answer for me.